Filtration. Hydraulics. Innovations.

High pressure filters

The high-pressure filters are installed in the pressure line of the hydraulic system and are designed for pressures up to 450 bar. A special version with operating pressures up to 1000 bar is also available.

The high-pressure filter can fulfil the functions of both a pressure filter – used for full-flow filtration of the working fluid – and a protective filter – used for protection of certain sensitive components of the hydraulic system. High-pressure pressure filters are equipped with a bypass valve to protect the filter element from destruction in case of exceeding the operating differential pressure. As safety filters, filters without bypass valve are used with filter elements resistant to high differential pressure. Such an element can withstand a differential pressure of 210 bar without breaking. Protective filters are installed directly upstream of the components to be protected (control units, proportional valves, etc.).

There are many types and sizes of high-pressure filters for a wide variety of hydraulic systems with different capacities and connection types, which can be used to solve almost any task to ensure the cleanliness of the working fluid.

All filters are equipped with a filter element contamination indicator. The contamination indicator signals the need to replace the filter element when the filter reaches 80% contamination.


To ensure the quality and reliability of its solutions, Virlent Group Ltd. uses filters from manufacturers who are world leaders in filtration, such as Parker, Hydac, Pall and others. High-quality equipment and long-term experience of our specialists guarantee unrivalled results.

Also at the customer’s request “Virlent Group” Ltd. can supply the necessary filter of any manufacturer, such as PALL, HYDAC, PARKER, INTERNORMEN, MP Filtri, MAHLE, ARGO, Filtrec, Donaldson, MANN, SOFIMA, EPE and many others.