The hydraulic filter is one of the main components on which the reliability and performance of the entire hydraulic system depends. The cleaner the working fluid is, the less the friction couples in the system components are subject to wear and the less the working fluid itself oxidises.
Contamination enters the hydraulic system during installation and start-up, during repairs and maintenance, from the environment through seals and through the breathing circuit of the oil tank, and is formed in the system through natural wear. If the contaminants entering the system are not removed in time, they accumulate exponentially, often with catastrophic consequences.
To protect the hydraulic system from wear and tear, it is necessary to use high-performance filters, which are able to clean and maintain the required purity class of the working fluid.
Filters are divided into types depending on their purpose and place of installation in the system. There are pressure and drain, circulation and protective, full-flow and bypass, high and low pressure filters, single and duplex, filters-sapoon for “breathing” oil tank. Moreover, each type and type of filter can be manufactured using different filter materials with different parameters and properties, best suited to certain operating conditions.
The optimum filter is selected individually for each specific hydraulic system, taking into account a large number of parameters and operating conditions. Therefore, in order to obtain an effective and economically favourable result, it is better to entrust the solution of filtration issues to professionals who have many years of experience in this field.
Specialists of “Virlent Group” Ltd. have a huge amount of knowledge in the field of industrial filtration and are always ready to help you select and supply the necessary filtration equipment at the best price. Also, in order to optimise filtration costs, we can offer high quality, but less expensive analogues of elements for filters already used by you PALL, HYDAC, PARKER, INTERNORMEN, MP Filtri, MAHLE, ARGO, Filtrec, Donaldson, MANN, SOFIMA, EPE and many others.